Your SDS software on PC
New ‘intelligent’ version
Our SDS software allows you to create and manage Safety Data Sheets in 31 languages. Our new standard version ε1 features AI tools for foreign language translations and to assist you in writing your safety data sheets.
It is able to expertly and autonomously generate SDS’s for GHS CLP, GHS US and GHS UN. It includes optional modules such as a detergent module, a PCN module for declarations to the ECHA poison control centre as well as an IFRA module.
LogicSDS allows the user to create and manage their own formulas and generate SDS’s (safety data sheets) for several companies. It includes the chemical database "Annex VI" list of substances with harmonized classification linked to CLP (1272/2008), Annex 14 list of prohibited substances (authorisation list), annex 17 list of restricted substances as well as the candidate list of substances of very high concern. It also makes it possible to retrieve hazard information for more than 240 000 substances inventoried by ECHA.
In addition to the SDS, LogicSDS has an IFRA module, which allows you to extract composition information from the safety data sheet of the essential oils and compare to the substances listed in the IFRA databases in order to generate an IFRA certificate as well as an “allergen” certificate.
Our PCN (poison centre notification) module allows you to make notifications to the ECHA poison centre in just a few clicks by generating the .i6z file from the SDS information. The information automatically retrieved from the Safety Data Sheet only needs to be completed on a dedicated PCN page. In addition, if information is missing in the SDS or incorrectly encoded, the user is informed automatically and can thus make the necessary modifications to the SDS.
If required a "detergents" module calculates the mandatory information for the SDS and the specific labelling requirements according to the regulation on detergents 628/2004.
Chemicals management module: create locations and quantities of chemicals on your site. Know at all times the quantities present on your site and trigger order alarms by setting minimum stock thresholds.
It is of course possible to create safety labels whose information is taken from the generated SDS’s and also to create your own SDS or regulatory label models (templates) with our “Designer” tool allowing you to design personalised models (templates).
Automatic mass printing of SDSs
Regulatory updates and "software" updates are online and can be carried out very simply.
Our solution is offered commercially in the form of an annual subscription or to purchase with an annual maintenance fee.
Annual subscription
* Standard version CLP or GB CLP, US GHS, UN GHS 2 languages
 Optional modules: PCN, detergent, IFRA, Allergen certificate, 35 additional languages
Four steps to compiling your data sheet: composition of the mixture, calculation of hazards, selection of SDS phrases and sections, editing. Make your declarations to the European Poison Centre (EPC) in 3 clicks. Optional add-on module.
* 1900$ (1630 £) annual subscription including CLP and/or CHS US, GHS CN and other GHS.
Purchase version including maintenance: contact our sales department.
Commercial use: contact our sales department.
From component formulas and physico-chemical and toxicological information, automatically generate the mixture’s GHS-CLP classification and labeling. Multilingual information.
* 995$ (775£) excl. tax for annual subscription, including label printing module, updates and regulatory watch.
Purchase version including maintenance: contact our sales department.
GHS / CLP labeling and regulatory expertise
Connection to the CLP Annex VI database (4400 substances) containing classifications and labeling information. WEBSERVICE regulatory watch. Software, database and phrases updates.
* 175$ (135£) annual subscription including updates and regulatory watch.
Purchase version including maintenance: contact our sales department.
Functions :
Calculates product labeling based on hazard information.
Optionally prints customized regulatory labels in 31 languages.
Our strengths
Reduced data entry by searching for components in multilingual substance databases (Annex VI)
Calculation of GHS-CLP classification from concentration of hazardous components and toxicological information
First low-cost SDS (Safety Data Sheet) software
UP to date
Online regulatory watch and online updates via automatic connection to LogicSDS Webservice